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I have earnt a reputation as a highly-respected community leader in the Latrobe Valley and am a sitting Councillor of Latrobe City Council after being elected in 2020. I moved to the region in 2011 with my husband, who works for the CFA, and our three children.

Integrity & Honesty

I’m uniquely placed to bring the community’s voice to the decision making table for the seat of Morwell. My actions and priorities will always be driven and informed by the people I represent, and not by party lines or personal motives. Integrity and honesty are the driving forces behind everything I do, and - as a proud resident of the Latrobe Valley - I am determined to take these values to the floor of parliament to ensure our great region prospers. My authenticity, energy, drive and community-centred priorities set the gold standard for local representation. Not only does my independence ensure that the major parties are held to account for their promises, but it offers an alternative political representation free from the negativity and party-driven politics currently displayed in parliament.

Morwell Neighbourhood House

I am the Manager of the Morwell Neighbourhood House and have worked tirelessly in our community since starting there in 2012. I have introduced and championed much-needed initiatives, resulting in the Morwell Neighbourhood House becoming a renowned hub where vital support is available for everyone, no matter their circumstances. The nature of my work with the Neighbourhood House means communities from across the Latrobe Valley have unfettered access to me on a daily basis. This has given me incredible insight into not only the challenges we face in the region but also the solutions and ideas the community has to deal with them and support our region to grow and navigate a sustainable future.

Hazelwood Mine Fire

In 2014 when the Hazelwood Mine Fire broke out just 400 metres from the heart of Morwell, I was compelled to act as an advocate for the residents of Morwell and found myself thrust into the communications vacuum. I was a conduit between services and community, providing affected residents with up-to-date information and support that was lacking.

Grassroots Democracy

I am passionate about grassroots democracy and strongly believe that investment in and support of the community improves health and wellbeing, resilience, and employment opportunities. My experience in supporting our community every day on the ground has given me insight into what is required as we navigate the future. I bring a fresh perspective and inclusive voice at a crucial time in our region.

Local Business, Community & Environment

I ran as an independent candidate in the 2014 State Election and secured 11% of the vote, transforming the once safe seat of Morwell into one of the most marginal electorates in Victoria and ensuring the needs of the Latrobe Valley community were a priority. The needs of local business, community and our environment have never been so vital as we work through recovery from Covid-19 and towards a strong, sustainable future.

Working Relationships & Diverse Causes

I am dedicated to the provision of effective representation and know I can be an advocate for change. I believe the community of the Latrobe Valley is future-focused and wants representation that is driving an agenda towards workable solutions that take into consideration the assets we have in the region, the needs of local businesses, the health of the environment and - above all else - our people and community. My strengths are my diverse and far-reaching relationships, my capacity to build on these, and bring like-minded people together to secure vital wins for the broader Latrobe Valley community, informed by the Latrobe Valley community.

An Advocate For Change

I am a passionate advocate for respectful, inclusive, open participation and engagement with the whole community. I am committed to the provision of strong leadership for the Seat of Morwell. Trusted representation in government is a positive way to be an advocate for change, and I believe candidates should be judged on their record of community advocacy and elected on merit.

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